Murder We Write

Murder We Write
SinC CCC members pose for a photo for the chapter's anthology

Monday, April 5, 2010

Catherine Ryan Hyde’s Weekend Intensive on Self-Editing

In today’s tough market, self-editing has never been more important.

April 24th & 25th, 2010

Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
(one hour break for lunch both days)
in Cambria

Participants are asked to bring the first 30 pages of a work in progress, and we’ll roll up our sleeves.

We’ll begin with the broader aspects of editing. Does it begin cleanly, and in the right place? Does every scene characterize and contribute to the overall momentum? Does it bog down in backstory? Then we’ll move on to other important considerations such as dialogue and its attributions. We’ll develop an eye for trimming unnecessary passages, and for honing sentences until every word carries the appropriate weight. Finally we’ll work on copyediting grammar and punctuation, and we’ll tackle the always difficult (especially for our own work) art of proofreading.


Note: At 14 hours of instruction, this breaks down to $12.50 an hour. I understand that money is tight for everyone (myself included) but I believe this workshop will be cost-effective, because it can replace the need to hire an editor for your work. That said, if you literally can’t afford the fee, and money is the only thing stopping you from attending, please do let me know.

Pay at the end of the weekend, and if at any time you feel you’re not getting your money’s worth, feel free to walk away and owe nothing.

For more information, please contact me by email at:

Also, if you’re interested but can’t make the date, please let me know, as I’m
considering holding another weekend intensive on the same subject in May.

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