Murder We Write

Murder We Write
SinC CCC members pose for a photo for the chapter's anthology

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

SINC CCC Meeting Schedule

Great news! SinC CCC has a new meeting place, monthly at the Morro Bay Library, on Saturdays from 10 AM to noon, unless otherwise noted.

Our tentative fall schedule:

July 18th, David Halverstadt and Emma, the Search and Rescue team, specializing in bones. David will give us a presentation, and Emma, his canine companion, will give us a demonstration!

August 15, Subject TBD

September 19--Our spooky "ready for Halloween" readings and activities.

October 4, 10 AM to 4 PM. We'll be at the Central Coast Bookfest at Mission Plaza. Come to our panel on Guerilla Marketing and visit us at our booth.

November 14, Subject TBD

December: Date and Time TBD, Members and guests Holiday Party and Gift Basket Silent Auction.

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