Murder We Write

Murder We Write
SinC CCC members pose for a photo for the chapter's anthology

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Central Coast Sisters in Crime Planning Meeting
—January 12, 2008

Summary: On Saturday, January 12, six of us met at President Sue McGinty's house to set a tentative, (and "tentative" is the operative word), agenda for 2008. Besides Sue, in attendance were Bonnie Cardone, Mary Moses and her champagne (thank you Mary), Bette Bardeen, Anne Schroeder (a relative newcomer), and Susan Howe.

We decided to have several special events this year: the Arroyo Grande library anthologies' read and sign on Saturday February 9 at 2 pm, a potluck and regifting opportunity sometime later in March, the Sunny Frazier Guerilla Tactics for Writers workshop in June at the SLO library, a signing table at Day with Creative Women mid-August, if there is no Book Festival this year (as seems likely at this writing). Also penciled in is a possible signing in the Fall timeframe and another go at a Christmas bash.

Will we have regular meetings besides the special events?

Maybe, we'll try for a speaker in April (cadaver dogs?) or May and see if attendance justifies having regular speakers.

When will we meet?

Various dates for special events, the last Saturday of the month for regular meetings because so many other events conflict earlier in the month.


Overwhelmingly, people want to go back to Borders for any regular speaker meetings. I (Sue) will contact Borders to see if they're still amenable to the idea. When last I checked, they were more than happy to have us back either regularly or on a sometime basis.

Also, either as a group or separately, some of us want to attend occasional meetings of the Wine Writers and the San Joaquin Sisters or have a tour of something crime related. The morgue and ride-alongs were suggested.

Kate Anderson and Sunny Frazier attribute the success of SJSinC (100+ members) in part to their lunch meetings. If we attract more members this year, we may want to consider that in the future.

What's the downside?

We all recognize that if we schedule events on different times and days it will be important to stay in touch with the members and get the word out to non-members.

Ways to stay in touch:

The blog (read on for more)

"Clubs" listing on the back page of the Sports Section of the Sunday Tribune; make it a permanent listing with president's phone number.

Press release sent 3 weeks before the meeting or event as always.

Newsletter—bimonthly, beginning the first week in March.

Possibly trade lists with NightWriters and Wine Writers, both e-mail and snail mail addresses. NightWriters might require approval of their board. Anne Schroeder will check on.


Online .pdf format, delivered via e-mail, once every other month, the first week of the month, beginning in March. Those who have trouble opening .pdf files can request a simplified version.

Keep content simple at first, maybe one page

San Joaquin sisters have offered us filler articles as needed.

Late Breaking News: Candii Vedrin has agreed to do the newsletter again this year. Yeah!


A major goal this year is to get a chapter website, with links to National SinC, member writers' websites, the blog, Seven Sisters, sell the anthology, etc.

The Blog:

Bonnie will resurrect the blog. With a link from our chapter website, it should get more action. I encourage you to use and post to the blog. It's easy and fun. If you want to post, and you haven't done so, please contact Bonnie.
Late Breaking News: Bonnie has done this. Thanks Bonnie! The link is:


Brochure needs updating. Sue will contact Karen K.

VP Victoria Heckman will handle meeting details for February (signing at Arroyo Grande library) and March meetings.


Besides President (Sue), VP (Victoria), Secretary (Mary Moses) Newsletter (Candii), and Treasurer (Jim Kavanagh), Sue will call on members as needed for tasks. Some tasks to be done include keeper of the membership list and organizing one special event. Sue will continue to send out press releases for now. Everyone should keep an eye out for possible events and venues.

Contact list

Make sure we're all working from the Karen K. list of 9/21/08. The only change is Bette Bardeen's address and e-address: 850 Ocean Avenue,
Sue will update this list, adding SJSinC board member e-mail addresses and send updated list via e-mail. The list will not be posted on this blog.

Tentative Schedule thru June in a Nutshell:

Saturday February 9, 2 pm: Anthology Reading & Signing at the AG Library (Suzanne Campeau's event. Can also contact Victoria Heckman or Sue McGintyfor more details.)

Saturday March 29 (date and time TBD): Regifting Potluck at Victoria's house

Saturday April 26, 10 am (location TBD): Cadaver Dogs

Saturday May 31, 10 am (location TBD): SinC business meeting

Saturday June 28, 2008 (time TBD): Guerilla Tactics for Writers, Sunny Frazier, SLO Library


Address for local dues: ($15 check payable to Central Coast Sisters in Crime)

Jim Kavanagh, Treasurer
3943 Irvine Blvd, No 313
Irvine, CA 92602

To pay required national dues ($40), log onto, click on join/renew at the bottom of the page. There is a form to fill out. Can snail mail check or pay with Pay Pal.

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